Podcast: The Bee Bumbles the Gospel

On this episode of Polemics Report for January 8th, 2022, David digs deeper and adds some context to Josh Buice’s letter describing Pray’s Mill’s exit from the SBC, and talks about the Babylon Bee’s gospel failure with Elon Musk. In the patron portion, we discuss the disease of pragmatism in the SEND network and the dumpster fire that is Christian music.
How tragic. My heart is sick . I hope and pray that these young men listen to Justin. It almost seems that they are mocking spreading the gospel. Isnt it blasphemy to say you are a christian and act in a contrary way like this? Were these guys so impressed with Elon being the richest man in the world that they had stars in their eyes? Is this just one tiny part of their slow backsliding? Are they truly born again ? Why did they take Elon’s eternity so lightly and with such disregard? Did they really think that they were spreading the gospel? HOLY COW!
“Babylon Bee; The Stammering Yes Men”.
Should that be their new byline? If that had been me, I would have cried my eyes out that night and asked God to forgive me because I did just that so many times so many yrs ago when I was a baby christian. My failings at not knowing the bible and not speaking out brought me to dig deeper and serve my King and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ better! I sincerely pray these men are convicted of their sin against the Lord they proclaim to love and that this major FAIL prompts them to be GREAT at spreading the gospel of Christ .In Christ, Amen.
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