‘Pa$T0r’ John Blanchard Appears In Court on Felony Prostitution Charges

Several weeks ago, news broke that John Blanchard, lead pastor of the 4000-member Rock Church International in Virginia Beach, VA, was busted by police for trying to hook up with an underage prostitute, joining 16 other men arrested who were caught up on the sting by law enforcement. Blanchard was quickly released on bail and appeared at the church service the next Sunday, blowing a shofar from the stage and offering a prayer, without addressing his arrest
A statement on the church website reads
“Under the guidance of our legal counsel, We cannot make a statement or comment concerning the accusations against Rev. John Blanchard at this time. We are all committed to walking in integrity and truth at Rock Church International and will continue to take steps to do so. Pastor Blanchard has voluntarily stepped back as lead pastor and from all his ministerial duties until this present situation is totally resolved. During this season, Bishop Anne Gimenez will be stepping in as Lead Pastor and sharing the pulpit with Pastor Robin Blanchard.”
We shared how this was not the first time Blanchard was accused of gross sexual sin, explaining how his church gave him a pass in 2019 and swept an illicit affair with a former member and employee of the church. At the time he suffered no consequences for it, but his public arrest is even more than they can bear.
Rock Church, now realizing that they might actually have to pull the trigger and deal with their pastor’s sexual sin, rather than sweep it under a rug, have updated their statement to express their newfound deep and abiding horror at the sin of it, and to reiterate how “committed” they are to ferreting it out wherever it may be.
Rock Church encourages godly lifestyles by all of its members and leaders, in keeping with the tenets of the Bible. The Church condemns sexual immorality of any kind and in any form by its members and leaders and especially holds its leaders to a high standard of accountability on any lifestyle choices that could reflect negatively on the reputation of the Church or disparage the character of the Savior whom it purports to represent.
Rock Church is committed to honesty and integrity in dealing with charges or accusations of sexual misconduct or immorality among its leaders and will support any investigation arising from accusations of violation of this standard among its staff and leaders in an effort to find the truth and to protect its members, church families and their children, at all times.
Under the guidance of our legal counsel, We cannot make a statement or comment concerning the accusations against Rev. John Blanchard at this time. We are all committed to walking in integrity and truth at Rock Church International and will continue to take steps to do so. Pastor Blanchard has voluntarily stepped back as lead pastor and from all his ministerial duties until this present situation is totally resolved. During this season, Bishop Anne Gimenez will be stepping in as Lead Pastor and sharing the pulpit with Pastor Robin Blanchard.
As followers of Christ, we must remember that redemption, salvation, grace, mercy and healing are all gifts given to the children of God. Although everyone must address their own convictions and consequences, our assignment as believers is not to condemn, but to be agents of God’s love, healing, justice, and reconciliation. (Romans 3:23-“for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”) If we are to walk in eternity with Christ, our position must be one of truth, love, faith, mercy, justice, and forgiveness.
Thank you for your prayers and support. The outpouring of love has been overwhelming and we appreciate all of those who have reached out to be an encouragement to us! We would ask that the privacy of the Blanchard family be respected as they walk through this difficult journey together.
Yesterday Blanchard was arranged in the Chesterfield County courtroom. He faces a felony charge of Solicitation of Prostitution from a minor age 16 or older, as well as a charge of Use of a Vehicle to Promote Prostitution. If found guilty, he faces between 1-5 years in prison. According to 13NewsNow:
“Blanchard’s lawyer asked that the judge consider changing the conditions of Blanchard’s bond which stipulate he cannot leave the state. The lawyer said there is church business outside of Virginia and that Blanchard travels for his job. (Note, given that he has stepped down from ministry, what would this be?)
Prosecutors objected to the defense’s request, based on the nature of the charges. The judge said another hearing was needed to consider whether the conditions of the bond should be changed. The judge set a hearing for Nov. 17.
The judge asked Blanchard to “maintain good behavior” until Blanchard’s trial which is scheduled to take place on Jan. 6, 2022.”
We will be following this story closely.
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There are a number of concerning issues here. Blanchard’s sexual sin is chief among them, but Rock Church International (RCI) has apparently learned nothing from his immorality. While he may be absent from the pulpit, his attorney’s request that he be allowed to travel out of state on “church business,” tells us he is still in control at RCI. I have to question the motives of RCI here, clearly, his fundraising draw is more important than the message his charges send to the congregation, but more importantly to the children in it. I’m also concerned that RCI uses Blanchard’s image as the focal point on their website. While it is clear we have been commanded to forgive others their sin, we have also been commanded to follow man’s laws. RCI should step back completely from Blanchard until his court cases have been settled.
Dear Brother Thom;
Bro John was well liked. Loved actually and I personally will not leave the church because of his incredible testimony.
I had the good fortune of traveling with him and I will never throw away those memories for you or anyone else.
The thing we as Christians need to keep in mind is that Jesus is Lord. The rest of us don’t rate. You can go any church on the planet and get saved if that’s what they teach, But Jesus is the only One who is perfect. He is the ONly One who “gets it right” So when you’re talking about the fall of man ANY man when you understand that you are talking about yourself
You can no longer be qualified as a hypocrit. Can you?
I find this very contradicting from you. At first, you say: “Rev Blanchard should be removed from ministry, but not from church”, but in the very same strain, albeit a few months later, your hypocrisy comes out saying that “when you’re talking about the fall of [ANY] man, you’re talking about yourself.” As if what he did, he can immediately repent of it quietly in his room and be done with it. Absolutely not. As a former pastor, he was held to a higher standard. Also, please note that this is not the first time he’s been in trouble. It’s just the first time he’s been in trouble with the law, and that everyone is hearing about it. I’ve witnessed a good amount of folks that have since left due to this, even folks that I personally grew up with in the church. We’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out; and hopefully, the defense of his doesn’t ask for another extension. There’s only so much evidence against the defendant that the defense just has to come up with a reasonable justification for what he did.
Also Kamp…this man was arrested Friday (October 29th, 2021), now follow me on this, bailed out Saturday (October 30th, 2021), and ON THE PULPIT Sunday morning (October 31st, 2021). If that doesn’t scream narcissistic sociopath, then what will?
Hi Camero.
There’s an old saying and I’m sure you’ve heard it before
(hypocrisy or not)
“your —— stinks too.”
As for me: Should I go back to Virginia Beach for ANY reason
I’m going back to Rock Church/
C ya.
Sincerely yours
Micah 4:5-7
Hi Kamp,
Camero? I’m just going to keep a stiff upper lip on the misspelling of my first name.
I don’t believe you actually took the time to read my message, point by point, in a reasonable fashion. So, let me say it more plainly. I am not trying to be “holier than thou”. I’m just stating the facts here. One is entitled to their opinion, but one is not entitled to their own facts. Is John Blanchard above reproach here? Absolutely not, and from the way things are, he hasn’t been for quite some time. This is given that the church still had him hold biblical office after what he has done throughout the years, which is in essence, blatant violation of scripture. Now some may say this line: “Touch not my anointed.” Cool line, right? I got one better: “Don’t take words out of context”. Touch in this instance means to physically harm. I highly doubt anyone here is going to look for Blanchard with bats in their hands…. This may be a shameless plug here, but you guys should look up Chris Rosebrough (“F4F – Fighting for the Faith”) & Justin Peters Ministries. They’re good guys.
Kamp, i’m not saying that you shouldn’t go back to Virginia Beach nor Rock Church. You’re a grown man; but if I was a paying member, I would withhold all tithes and offerings until this is resolved, and even then, I would still have reservations.