Pastor Announces Vax Mandate, Boasts ‘Our Church Already Turns People Away’ Without Masks

In a video announcement message to his congregation on October 17th, Rev. Jim Head-Corliss of Kent United Methodist Church in Kent, Washington, issued an announcement to his church that as of October 31, they would insist on having proof of vaccination or a valid negative COVID test as a precondition for attending worship, and further boasts that they have already turned people away who were unwilling to provide one.

In the ironically named ‘All are Welcome’ Section, which is rife with, pro-LGBTQ imagery, they also include a spiel about inclusion, where seemingly everyone but the unvaccinated are worthy of full participation in the church.
Kent United Methodist Church joyfully embraces God’s acceptance and love of all people. We affirm that all individuals are persons of sacred worth. We welcome the full participation in our church of everyone, without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, education, marital circumstances, physical and mental abilities, economic status, theological perspective, political affiliation, and any other means people use to categorize or discriminate. We are committed to discovering how we can most faithfully include, learn from and grow with all people in our community.
Our purpose as a church family is to ensure that all feel welcome by providing an open, inclusive and non-judgmental place to worship.
Unlike other churches like Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church, or certain campuses of JD Greear’s Summit Church which segregate by vaccination status but at least let you attend unmasked if you’ve gotten the jab for the novel coronavirus, this ‘church’ does not, and even the vaccinated must wear masks and are prohibited from singing during worship. (which given they are likely all lost, is probably a good thing, as they are just bringing more judgment upon themselves with their false worship)
The Rev Jim Explains:
Good morning, church, and happy Sunday. When we reopened in July, we and all United Methodist churches throughout the Pacific Northwest, we all agreed to follow the guidelines provided by local, state, and national authorities concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. We also promised not to avail ourselves of any exceptions in those guidelines that are allowed for religious organizations. We also agreed to take the most cautious path forward.
Well, this week on Tuesday, the administrative council leaders of our church followed the recommendation from our own “Reimagined Church” task force to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours or a medical exemption to attend in-person worship or events within our building.
Now, this requirement applies only to those who are eligible to be vaccinated and begins Sunday, October 31st. This requirement follows the King County Health Department’s new mandate which, remember, church, we agreed months ago to follow. The goals of this decision are simple: keep the church spaces and events as safe as possible for all people and to encourage all eligible people to get vaccinated.
Church, healthcare professionals and experts stand in strong support of vaccination mandates as one part of a multi-layered approach to preventing COVID-19 infection. Research is showing the vaccine mandates are the driving force behind the current decreases in COVID cases and COVID deaths. Those in the medical field also tell us that these mandates are vitally important in protecting healthcare capacity for our community, as well.
… Here’s what you can do to get ready. If you are unvaccinated, please, please, get vaccinated now. If you are vaccinated, find your vaccination card and bring it with you to church. The big goal: let’s get everyone vaccinated, everyone protected. In order to keep people safe and protected, our church already turns people away. If you arrive with COVID-19 symptoms or if you are not willing to wear a mask, you cannot participate in our in-person activities.
… Church, there’s no need for division around these policies. As Americans, as followers of Jesus, please, let’s unite for the well-being and the safety of everyone. If we ever want to see life together get back to some version of normal where everyone feels safe to participate again, we’ve just got to do everything we can together to beat this pandemic. I love you, church
h/t to @WokepreacherTV for the clip, who got it from Jonathan Shuttlesworth
I’m surprised Johnny hasn’t commented on this yet.
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Sometimes Johnny has a hard time pulling himself away from the gay porn sites. He’ll no doubt be along soon spouting his shrill, infantile godless idiocy.
*insert tiny flags here denoting I am neither a godless sodomite nor mentally ill*
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Note to this church and it’s stupid leaders:
Our church currently has approximately 50,000 attendees every week and there has been NO mask or distancing policy since they reopened last year. In fact, one is hard-pressed to see anyone wearing a mask at our services. The only difference is communion is done with self-contained packets instead of passing the tray.
Our congregation is healthy and our worship centers are full.
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That’s because the mess about “non judgmental inclusiveness” is always a blatantly false excuse. They have limits. But they’ve rejected God’s limits, have rejected God’s judgement, and have substituted their own. Let a group of naked people march down the aisles during the service, and start dancing to Metallica at the altar, and see what happens. Would they tolerate it? After all they include everyone and everything, and don’t judge. We know, they know, and we know they know it wouldn’t be tolerated.
No, they reject God’s judgment on issues that He has already judged, and they’ve decided to reject His limits of inclusion and replace them with their own.
From such turn away means from such turn away. 2 Tim. 3:5
Kicking out the sexually immoral fornicators means kicking out the sexually immoral fornicators. 1 Cor. 5
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This church probably already does stuff like that.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they did.