Boston Will Give Employees 12 Weeks Paid Leave After Killing Their Babies in Abortions

(Lifesite News) The City of Boston now allows its employees to take up to 12 weeks of leave with pay when they abort their unborn babies.
The New Boston Post reports the city council passed the amendment to its parental leave policy on Sept. 15. The vote was unanimous, and acting Mayor Kim Janey signed it two days later.
The new parental leave benefits for city employees allow up to 12 weeks of paid leave for men and women “for pregnancy loss, including all abortions for any reason,” according to the Post. The policy also allows leave time for parents of newborns and adoptive parents. Parental or bereavement leave for employees who have abortions appears to be a growing trend.
In October, the City Council of Portland, Oregon also approved expanding bereavement leave to include abortions. And earlier this year, the British bank Monzo attracted news attention when it began offering new paid leave benefits for employees who miscarry or abort their unborn bab-
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at Lifesite News
Rewarding people for murdering their unborn children? How desperately wicked this nation has become and God Almighty will reward it in kind, as He has done with every civilization before who has turned its back on His precepts and embraced evil. Sucks to be us.
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