Hillsong Says to Build Yourself on the Rock of Hillsong Church

Hillsong Youth Leader Jorden Bicknell had an interesting take on what it means to build one’s house on the rock, explaining during an episode of Hillson UK Kid’s church (after singing over and over these somewhat self-centered lyrics “You made me special. You made me precious. You made me wonderful. In Your image I am made.”) the rock that one ought to build their house and life upon is Hillsong Church. [Editor’s note: Has this guy even READ Matthew 16? That ROCK is CHRIST! Yeesh…]
God tells us that we need to build our life on the rock and not on the sand. I want you to take a minute to think about how strong a rock is. And I want you to take a minute to think about how weak and soft sand is. So you might be like, but how do I do that?
Well, one of the ways that we can do that is by getting involved in our church. We’re so blessed to be part of the church that we are, the kid’s church that you get to be in every single Sunday. You get to hang out with all of those incredible friends that you’ve got, and those kids leaders that love you and are for you and they just want to help you grow in your relationship with God. See I’ve got three things that we can do, to really be able to love my church and to be able to build your relationship with God.
He explains to do so, you have to love the people around you, listen to your kid’s leaders, and learn who God says you are, on account that he was a wonderful Jeremiah-esque plan for your life.
You see HSK, sometimes life can get a bit hard, whether it’s at school or at home with your friends. It’s not always easy, and that’s okay. But that’s why it’s so important that we build our life on God. We build our life on God’s rock. Because if we build our life on other stuff, that’s like putting our life on sand, and when the storm comes, they’re going to blow us over.
You see, that’s why in the Bible God says, like I said, about building your house on the rock. So I really want to encourage you to invest in your church, invest in your friends, invest in the kid’s leaders that are around you, and do your best to learn about how much God loves you. And that’s how I love my church.
h/t to Salt and Light
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God does not change. His Word does not change. That is the unchanging, immovable, unshakable solid rock on which to build your house, rather than the ever-changing shifting sands of the world.
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