Doug Heck, Husband Of Susan Heck, Has Passed Away

Pastor Doug Heck of Grace Community Church of Tulsa passed away this morning after a brief bout with Pneumonia and COVID. Doug was the husband of Susan Heck, a well-known theologically sound bible teacher, author, and famed bible memorizer who supported him through 50 years of ministry. He was 68. According to his church bio:
Pastor Doug V. Heck is a graduate of Moody bible Institute in Chicago (B.A.) and The Master’s Seminary (M.DIV), where Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. is President. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and served as President of the Student Government. He has also pursued further graduate level studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Graduate School in Chicago and post-graduate work at The Master’s Seminary, with an emphasis on Expository Preaching. Doug has served as Director of Tulsa-based Bible Teaching Services and Christian Counseling Ministry. Doug has been the teacher of The Quest of the New Testament radio program, formerly heard on KCFO for 7 years, having served as Senior Pastor for 23 years and in full time ministry for 29 years.
Susan, who has been updating Facebook about her husband’s condition posted this just a few short hours ago:
“My beloved husband went to be with his precious Lord this morning at 1:30 am. To depart from this body is to be present with his Lord. He always thought the first response in glory would be laughter and I am sure He is enjoying His Saviour!
Doug is in glory! The Lord gives the Lord takes away! Blessed be the name of the Lord!”
Just a month ago, Pastor Heck attended a 50 years of ministry service where he was honored by all, including Dr. John MacAarthur and long-time friend Phil Johnson who sent in video messages of warm wishes, as well as his family and other congregants.
While we mourn, we don’t mourn like those who have no hope.
Welcome home, good and faithful one. Enter into your joy and rest.
Doug was a friend and a pastor who rightly divided the Word of Truth. He was a godly, compassionate man who loved his family and the church of saints. We laughed together many times. I will see you at the Great Reunion my friend.
Hello Susan – though we mourn in a different way we so rejoice that your beloved Doug is with the Father and more alive than ever! I too am a widow and understand what you are going through. I know our God is strong and will carry you throughout this time. Prayer and blessings to you and yours, Sofia from Plainfield, IL
Am very sorry for your loss and the church’s loss. It was not until last Tuesday night, November 9, while in your women’s Bible study of James that our pastor’s wife mentioned this turn of events. May God be with you and your family and give you the peace that only he can give. “Every blessing”