Servus Diablos Leaves Moriel Ministries: Attacks Head Honcho Jacob Prasch on Way Out

A controversial YouTube figure and top lieutenant in Jacob Prasch’s multinational Moriel Ministries has come out swinging against his former friend and ministry partner, with Servus Christi Servus Diablos (AKA Joshua Chavez) publicly cutting ties with the organization and the man that leads it. This is not unsurprising behavior, particularly when you understand who Chavez is, which you can read about in our exposé about how Chavez imported a bride into the US, consummated the relationship, then abandoned her and sent her back.
However, Jacob Prasch and Joshua Chavez have built their large following online by imitating the work of Christian polemics, a discipline of theological study that is highly despised but still often utilized, most of the time for the edification of the church. But the type of polemics engaged in by Prasch and Chavez stands in contrast to that which is done by most; theirs seeks to take people out of churches rather than building them. [Editor’s note: This should be your first clue–Paul only ever built up churches, he never tore them down unless they were fake gatherings, and we do not read of that in the New Testament.] Painting themselves as discernment ministers, Moriel Ministries builds a level of credibility by critiquing the low-hanging fruit of notoriously false teachers, many of whom desperately need to be exposed.
Chavez, for example, critiques sermons just like Chris Rosebrough is famous for doing, creates power-point presentations like Justin Peters does, and designed his website as a counterfeit look-alike of Pulpit & Pen. But instead of pointing to Christ Jesus, Moriel Ministries and its henchmen have built a worldwide cult of personalities for Jacob Prasch, the ranting lunatic who has been proven to have lied about his (non) Jewish ancestry and holds to uniquely bizarre doctrinal beliefs (like Jesus is the Metatron or that John MacArthur Is a Tool of the Antichrist).
But unlike the discernment ministers Chavez counterfeits, he doesn’t stop his critiques at Beth Moore, Joel Osteen, or Kenneth Copeland. Chavez spends endless hours splicing videos of Justin Peters, Chris Rosebrough, Paul Washer, John MacArthur, and even a few of yours truly (JD Hall), mostly out of context, out of order, or partially fabricated. His recent claims about a convert to Christianity from the New Age Movement, Doreen Virtue, have been particularly libelous and wolf-like, seeking to devour new converts to Christ and slander those who helped them find Biblical theology. And almost all of Chavez’ attempted coup de graces include a unique form of Six Degrees from Kevin Bacon, assigning not only guilt by association, but guilt by association of association of associations.
The two men – Moriel (Prasch) and Chavez – don’t have inconsequential ministries, either. Moriel’s camera work may give the appearance of him being a destitute, sad old man holed away in a non-descript trailer park somewhere, but in reality, Moriel Ministries has ten branch offices around the world, with an estimated million dollars or more per office being received each year. And Chavez, who many believe is an heir-apparent to Prasch, exploded into prominence several years ago after picking high-profile fights with some of evangelicalism’s most straight-shooting preachers. He currently has fifty thousand subscribers on YouTube, a feat that isn’t easy for cultists.
Both Moriel and Chavez have the same modus operandi, which serves to build their audience while emptying churches of their congregations. Mostly, this consists of convincing their listeners that no good churches exist, that all other spiritual leaders are compromised, and that they should leave their local churches and listen to them exclusively online. Instead of filling up churches, the Moriel-Chavez guild empties churches, a sure sign of textbook apostasy if ever there was one. And ironically, their apostasy is done in the name of fighting apostasy, a devilish twist on the purpose of Christian polemics.
Now, Chavez has bit and taken a big chunk out of the hand that fed him, writing a 111-paragraph, 15,000-word screed titled Why I Can No Longer Endorse Jacob Prasch & Moriel Ministries that outlines his grievances and that he sent to “Jacob Prasch, the Moriel board, and approximately 85 of its affiliates.”
To abbreviate things for you, he has 8 main issues:
- The Obsession With Deborah Menelaws, Tim Wirth, Hugh “Jocky” Smith, etc.
Apparently, Prasch is obsessed with these individuals who are critical of them, whereas Chavez is convinced “these people have been obsessed and consumed with hate by Satan himself” and wants Prasch and Moriel Ministries to leave them more or less alone. - Secret “Spoof” Websites & Surreptitious Activity
Moriel Ministries and its minions have been running spoof and parody websites attacking people anonymously, which Chavez ironically doesn’t like, despite him frequently pretending to be other people, especially women. [Editor’s note: You can search Pulpit & Pen archives for details.] He writes, “I was asked by Jacob personally, well over a year ago (if not more), if I could make a website for the express purpose of exposing Deborah Menelaws.” - Linda Macintyre & The Veiled Death Threat
Linda is a moderator whom Chavez believes is deceived and who has uttered death threats against Deborah Menelaws. He says of Linda, “While she may mean well, she is at best spiritually misguided and a tremendous stumbling block to those around her, especially Jacob. Jacob himself agrees that she is ‘dodgy’…She has wittingly or unwittingly tempted Jacob to vengeance and obsession.” - Moriel’s Response To The Veiled Death Threat
Believing that Prasch issued the threats and Linda Macintyre carried them out, apparently the Moriel Board didn’t really care and was apathetic about the whole thing, releasing a statement that Chavez felt was deceitful. - Jacob’s Ancestry – Jewish?
Chavez believes he has been lying about his ancestry all along and is not Jewish at all, or to the extent that he claims. - Jacob’s Secular Business – South African Websites
Jacob Prasch has secular businesses and Chavez is mad that they aren’t really being disclosed. - Moriel’s Finances
He’s concerned about how money is being spent or “stewarded,”–“it is at best a case in abysmal stewardship and anyone on this list who may donate to Moriel deserves to know how funds may be being managed (or not).” - Moriel Board Integrity Chavez said there is no accountability or transparency, which concerns him.
Make no mistake: Chavez is not Luther, seeing the errors of his ways and posting and pounding his resolutions to All-Saints Church in Wittenburg; keen to start a revival and reformation. Rather, this is Chavez causing carnage with some wicked, underhanded motive, an extension of his belief that he is basically the only true Christian.
Hot off the press: When wolves turn on each other.
Oh, so sad. Those two made such a great pairing – like a false teacher version of Dumb and Dumber, only without the humor 🙂
The attacks back-and-forth should be very interesting, and very sad. It is a wonder why anyone follows either of these guys.
I always cringe when fake-Jew Jacob Prasch busts out with his fake Yiddish accent while “teaching” with his superior “Midrash” skill set😂
James is a false teacher that conducts himself like a clown 🤡🤡🤡
Mark my words, Linda Macintire will show up in this comment section!
Where ever the fake Jew James Prasch is exposed, Linda is sure to be there – reminds me of Richard Abanes defending Warren about 15 years ago. You couldn’t type Ricks name without RA appearing 😂
Are you an example of what a follower of Jesus acts like? Christianity is not about name calling, how hard is your heart? do you follow Jesus or doctrine? When last did you pray for those you believe are deceived? do you even care? or is love your enemies just silly scripture for you spoken by Jesus?
What is P&P’s take on Doreen Virtue’s vision?
Was the vision she saw an authentic experience of Jesus?
Or was it a demon masquerading as Jesus, so as to trick her?
Or did she make it all up?
Whatever option one chooses, it doesn’t lead credence to endorsing her as a teacher of Christian doctrine, no?
With guidance from Chris Rosebrough, Virtue now believes her Jesus vision may or may not have been a deception, and has publicly said so. She has removed it from her book “Deceived.”
Interesting that only because Servus Christi brought up the DV debacle was this ever addressed. Also his critique of Rosebrough seemed clear and valid.
She has admitted it was not Jesus, and that this happened very soon after her conversion, and, most importantly, has repented. To you point, this gives her all the more “credence.” And, in great irony, Chavez and Prasch have never repented, not even regarding their flagrant mistreatment of others, and of the Scriptures, YET they have the audacity to viciously attack and falsely accuse DV in a multitude of ways.
She is now a calvinist so she can do no wrong in the eyes of those who also follow John Calvin. But anyway all of this could have been avoided. Its ugly and we should never behave like these people, all of them!
Al of you are the same. The one calls the other a silly name then the other calls that person a devil then that person calls them a cult etc etc. Its very childish.
You all seem to think you are correct and the other party is wrong, unsaved and worshipping the devil. While in reality we who dont choose sides see you all as being in the wrong, yes you all say some correct things but you all act the same. Name calling is not how a Christian should act.
You have all been showing how un-Christ like you can behave. And that is fine I suppose as wel all have been guilty of that, but at the end you are just devouring one another and fueling hate in your own hearts as well as the hearts of the people who follow you. We never seem to see forgiveness or compassion.
Christianity is not about you and your feelings, its not about your youtube videos and your doctrines, it is not about your websites and blog posts, it is about Jesus Christ!
Hello, I am just seeing this now for the first time.
I am the aforementioned Linda MacIntyre.
I agree with most of what Jish said about me. But….I am not the person who wrote the vile and threatening letter to Deb. I would never write such a thing to anyone. It was written by a Scotsman in Scotland. I had no knowledge of the email until Deb posted it. Josh thought I wrote it. I did not. I don’t think any Christian could write something like that. I have talked with Deb several times since she was threatened. She now knows I did not do it. Joshua bears false witness.
I just helped Moriel in the investigation and suit against an internet troll, tbckawaii/Hugh Smith.
When Hugh was summoned to the police station in the UK…my work for them was over.
I severed ties with Moriel 6 weeks ago and only moderate for John Haller, Doug Hamp and Mike @ Onpoint Preparedness now and promote all three ministries.
In Christ, Linda
The problem is that Hugh was never taken to any court or police station. I heard back from Hugh and there is ZERO basis in reality for Linda’s claims about him being in prison or even having to stand before a judge. NONE of it is true.
Linda is just spreading more Moriel disinformation about Hugh.
Linda MacIntyre helped spread the spoof sites. As well as information that doxxed my home address.
I could prove this in court.
If she is truly moderating still at Haller’s church that is a real check on Johns discernment and a blotch on Fellowship Bible Chapel.
The hideous way Linda points out my wife is in the last stages of Alzheimer’s is deplorable and vile.
Linda uses numerous fake ID and email addresses.
Again something I could prove in court.
Linda and Peter MacIntyre (Peter allows his wife to troll the internet spreading lies) show no true Fruit of the Spirit.
Nuts maybe.
Linda, I don’t care about you calling me Col Sanders, Chubby Cheeks or whatever but again please stop trolling my kids (who are not even in ministry) as well as the lousy things you infer about me as Donna’s caregiver.
Blessings in Jesus
Tim is as wicked as JD Hall. And Tim is a liar. He defends Hugh Smith who did all that I mentioned and Tim is friends with JD Hall. A drug abuser who was arrested in a recent DUI and has now lost his ministry. JD Hall accused people if wrong doing while under the influence of drugs. He hurt many people. Tim, as usual, spews anyone’s lies. Both men need to repent and seek forgiveness.
How sad to see those who profess Christianity devour one another. We all at one time or another make mistakes and say and do things we should take to the LORD rather than tell others, particularly when it could effect those who are not well versed in scripture or are weak or not Christians at all. It is a blot on our reputation and on the cause of Christ to act like this so publicly, each acting like one’s own opinion is the only true one. Personally, I have learned so much from Jacob Prasch’s Bible teaching that it has indeed brought me closer to the LORD and in understanding of scripture in much greater depth than ever before in my life time and I am extremely grateful that the LORD sustains him and continues to give him the grace, courage, and strength to continue on even when he physically is challenged by illness or lack of rest. I am very grateful for Moriel Ministries and all who teach as well as those who work in the background without recognition to spread the awesome Word of God worldwide. Would it not be better to pray for those we do not agree with than to criticize publicly in efforts to discredit them? It is appropriate to warn of heresy, but one who knows the LORD and scripture can not honestly say in any sense of the word that heresy is something Jacob teaches. He has many times in the past mentioned his Jewish family and said that he is not Jewish but his family is. My prayer is that each of us will first take our doubts, fears, and opinions to the LORD before making public accusations and ask our Heavenly Father to deal with those who we think are wrong while helping us to make sure we are always drawing closer to the LORD who is coming soon. There are so many who need to hear the gospel and so little time that we need to be concentrating on building the Kingdom of God rather than tearing it down. I believe that Jacob is working as much as he can to spread the Word worldwide and to help those who can’t help themselves through the many ministries Moriel supports. In my humble opinion we all need to concentrate on our own relationship with our Saviour and pray for those we disagree with while doing what we can within our situations to spread the gospel and minister to others in whatever ways the LORD gives us and allows.