Breaking! SBC President Ed Litton Copied J.D. Greear Sermons as early as 2015

(Capstone Report) Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton copied J.D. Greear sermons for years including a sermon Litton preached in 2015 that Greear preached in 2013.
Ed Litton copied a 2013 J.D. Greear sermon on Acts 4:1-21 in 2015. According to video of Ed Litton’s performance, Litton adopted Greear’s sermon title and utilized the same opening points.
Greear’s sermon was titled: “The Inclusive Exclusivity.”
Litton’s sermon title: “The Most Inclusive Exclusivity.”
Greear’s sermon made use of an opening two points examining how contemporary society rebels at the idea of exclusive truth—that God demands salvation in the name of Jesus.
Greear’s first point, “It’s like you’ve got somebody who has never heard about Jesus, and the moment they die, God shows up at their deathbed and says, ‘AHA! You didn’t receive Jesus!’ And they are like, ‘Jesus, who? I never heard about any Jesus!’ And God says, ‘Well, it’s too late now!’ And He casts their souls into Hell, and as they go tumbling into Hell screaming ‘wait, wait’ he mumbles in Latin something like ‘tough cookies’ at them.”
Litton’s first point, “People that I’ve talked to will often paint this picture of a cruel God. There is a guy on his deathbed and I’m going to throw you into Hell, and the guy goes ‘Wait, wait! I didn’t hear. I didn’t know, there was another way and he hears, in Latin, ‘Tough Cookies. Boom.”
Greear’s second point…
To continue reading the rest of all the things he copied, click here
Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report
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