Paula White Called a Serial Cheater by Ex-Husband in an Allegedly ‘Hacked’ Facebook Post

A post made by false prophetess Paula White’s ex-husband calling her a serial adulterer was the work of a hacker who gained access to his account, according to his church.

The post, which is curiously still up there, was made from the personal Facebook page of Randy White, the Bishop and co-founder at Without Walls International Church. In the post, he says that years ago she asked him to divorce her, but he refused, wanting to stay married, until she had a series of adulterous affairs on him that ultimately ended the relationship. He further launches a series of blistering invectives against her, saying that the vast majority of what she says is nothing but lies and that he was betrayed by her.

For 10 years I have watched ppl listen to her lies, this was the night she begged me to tell the ppl we were getting a divorce…I said no! But her mind was made up. She sent 10 men to my house and told me how wrong I was for divorcing her.

…I said men you are talking to the wrong person. I wanted to stay married. But when she had at least 5 multiple affairs to all married men, she needed another way out. I can tell you now that 80% person of what she has said, preached and wrote about isn’t even close to the truth!!! I know the whole truth because I had to live it…want more??? let me know #betrayal

Notably, Paula White has been married three times. She was first wed to musician Dead Knight before meeting Randy in 1987. She divorced her husband and he divorced his wife and the two married in 1990. They divorced in 2007. Shortly after, she was involved in a scandal where she was caught on camera leaving the hotel room of Benny Hinn, holding hands together as they walked.

Hinn was married at the time, and both parties insisted they were just good friends and nothing improper happened, though they never gave an explanation for their handholding. Then, Paula met her third husband Jonathan Cain and started dating him while he was married to his wife. Cain and his wife finalized their divorce a few months before he and Paula got married.

Though the WWIC claims Randy’s page was hacked, there has been no comment or personal assurance from him directly. Furthermore, if you look at the writing style and use of terms, phrases and punctuation, of another post he wrote months ago, it really does look like something Randy would have written, unless the hacker was trying to copy his style, along with his and use of “ppl:”

Well, yes, today was my birthday and thank you for all the gifts, cards, letters. ppl ask me what I am doing, still a pastor, and for the last 10 years and with millions of my own money/we exposed the army base that killed my daughter and her mother and thousands of ppl. I challenge you to go to The greatest gift you could give me is coming to this Sunday at 9 am. Thank you for all you have done for God. And He will bless you

Also about an hour before the alleged hack, someone also posted this message with ominous implications. No one at this point has claimed this message was likewise hacked, so it is a curiosity.

We’re not saying Randy wasn’t hacked, but more than a few things seem off about this story, and we will await to hear from Randy directly before we buy it.

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5 thoughts on “Paula White Called a Serial Cheater by Ex-Husband in an Allegedly ‘Hacked’ Facebook Post

  1. I always love how when someone says something they later regret posting, the go-to excuse is, “Oh, I was hacked.” I’m not saying he wasn’t, but like the article says, it’s a very well-timed excuse.

  2. Is that the same Jonathan Cain of the band Journey? How long till they get divorced? Wasn’t Paula White the so-called pastor that Donald Trump called to the White House to lay hands on him and pray? What does that say about him?

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