Police Statement Lies About Pastor Who Went Viral After Kicking Cops from Church

Police in Calgary have responded to the viral video showing Pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta (Also Street Church) chasing off police officers from his church, calling them “Nazi Psychopaths” and Gestapo as he did.
“Out! Out of this property, you Nazis! Out! Out! Gestapo is not allowed here. Out! Immediately Gestapo is not allowed here! Do you understand English? Get out of this property. Go! Go and don’t come back without a warrant. Out! Nazi!”
The police, wanting you to disbelieve your own lying eyes, issued a statement, rife with falsehoods and PR talk.

Firstly, anyone can tell from the video that there was more than one police officer there, not simply just one. They were in uniform, and they had guns on them. Upon close inspection, we count at least three.

Second, they say they were there for less than a minute, yet the video starts when they are all already inside and having all gained entry.
Third, the man was uncooperative and raised his voice because police repeatedly refused to leave and kept on trying to argue with him why they should be allowed to stay despite not having a warrant.
Fourth, the police can claim that they entered peacefully all the want, it is still a violation of Criminal Code 176, which makes it a crime to disrupt a church service, even if it is Alberta Health Services or the Calgary Police doing it.
176 (1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction who…
(2) Every one who willfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction.
This is an embarrassment and shows the dishonesty of the police trying to tyrannically enforce their will on the people.
The New Centurions!