Allegation: SBC Leader Kevin Ezell used Racial Slurs, Defunded & Fired Minorities

Frank Shope alleges emotional, physical pain caused by Kevin Ezell & NAMB. Story fits with state executives’ recent bombshell allegations against Ezell as an abusive tyrant.
(Capstone Report) Dr. Frank Shope alleged that Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention and NAMB trustees caused him emotional and physical pain because of abusive and inappropriate action by Ezell. Dr. Shope alleged that Ezell used “bigoted statements” against women and minorities and used financial powers to “defund” these individuals. Dr. Shope alleges:
“In several meetings Ezell defamed missionaries, Convention Staff and NAMB staff. He was especially cruel to women and minorities. Often, referring to them with unacceptable titles and bigoted statements. Additionally, he found ways to fire or defund individuals of color.”
Note here that these allegations against Ezell are not made by Woke Social Justice Warriors. These are statements of conservative Christians. So, when one characterizes Ezell’s statements at “bigoted” and “cruel,” you can rest assured these are serious allegations and not hypersensitivity.
Also, note how this is typical…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by a staff writer at the Capstone Report.