Hypocrite! LA County Sup. who is Forbidding John MacArthur’s Church from Opening Breaks Own Rules

One of the LA County Health Supervisors who has been fighting to keep John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church closed, and whom the church is seeking to subpoena for a deposition for her role in levying fines, taking away their parking lot access after nearly 50 years of use, and levying massive fines against the California megachurch, showed herself to be the interminable hypocrite when she engaged in activities she voted to make illegal.
The tyrannical government pawn Sheila Kuehl voted 3-2 to close all outdoor dining in her county, saying that it was a “most dangerous situation” and that “the servers are not protected from us, and they’re not protected from their other tables that they’re serving at that particular time, plus all the hours in which they’re working,”
Yet mere hours before this new shutdown law went into effect, she was out on the town, eating at an outdoor restaurant Il Forno Trattoria and indulging in the same behavior she just made illegal because of how “unsafe” and “dangerous” it was.
According to her spokesperson Barbara Osborne, when asked about her hypocrisy, she acknowledged that Kuehl
…did dine al fresco at Il Forno on the very last day it was permissible. She loves Il Forno, has been saddened to see it, like so many restaurants, suffer from a decline in revenue. She ate there, taking appropriate precautions, and sadly will not dine there again until our Public Health Orders permit.
The LA County Supervisor is one of the women that Pastor John MacArthur asked his congregants to contact back in August, asking her for some form of reason and sanity and to relent from her wicked ways and say some variation of the following:
Dear Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. We respectfully request that you cease your attempt to enforce your order against Grace Community Church. We stand together as Christians in our constitutionally protected fundamental right that Church is essential. Our government is obligated to protect our liberties and freedoms, especially our free exercise of religion, and we ask you to fulfill that obligation to us.”
Sheila Kuehl
Phone: 213-974-3333
As far as the court case goes, Grace Community Church’s attorneys are seeking to get her deposed because they want to ask her about “any and all actions taken by the County of Los Angeles against Grace Community Church of the Valley, including evidence regarding the basis, motivation, and reasons for such actions.”
The County lawyers, however, are supremely opposed to the notion and so far it has not been ruled on.
the current drama being played out with grace has more to do with the vindictiveness of newsom . it hails back to an interview on larry kings program several yrs. back when newsom was put on the spot by dr. macarthur about same sex marriage . it has little or nothing to do with the kungflu . this is purely opportunism for newsom and his immoral entourage of which kuehl is a party to , to challenge grace and the stand they are taking not just for themselves but all places of worship . as far as i know they are the only church in america which has taken this stand . grace has also been threatened by the supreme court of the u.s. i believe a few yrs. back to take down any negative reference to homosexuality on their website as to the churches mission statement and what the bible teaches . they were told their tax exempt status would be removed and that the college grace runs would no longer have their degrees recognised . they were one of the few that didn’t bow the knee . i believe dr. macs sermon was called ” we will not bow ” . it can be accessed on the grace website .
The judge set a September hearing on the county s request for a preliminary injunction barring the church from holding indoor services. CATHOLIC LEADER ACCUSES KAMALA HARRIS OF BEING RINGLEADER OF ANTI-CATHOLIC BULLYING IN DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Folks, we all need to realize that these petty tyrants in government are essentially buffoons and have had no track record of success, or even sometimes not working at all, in the private sector.
They work in the public sector because their incompetence isn’t likely to be revealed as much and they can even rise to positions of authority like Newsome, who is Nancy Pelosi‘s nephew, by the way, and this woman who is the LA County supervisor.
Talk to people who work in the public sector and they will tell you it’s almost impossible to get fired as you can typically can goof off as much as you want Or at least do the absolute minimum of your job requirements.
Plus, you get a generous pension which the rest of us schmucks in the private sector can’t even hope for. What do you think so many people who have had careers in the public sector can retire in their late 40s or early 50s? My former father-in-law was one of them who were tired at 48 and collected his pension till he died at 81. Think about that.