Jerry Falwell Jr. Exits Cowardly Liberty with $10.5 Million Severance Package, Resigning ‘In Good Standing’

Liberty University has declared themselves complicit in Jerry Falwell Jr’s sin by covering up and sweeping everything under the rug, agreeing to pay the disgraced former president $10,500,000 following his resignation, content to see him leave peacefully rather than insisting that he be held accountable for his actions.

Falwell is receiving the full amount under the terms in his contract because he is departing from the University officially in good standing with them, without admitting to any wrongdoing and because the university has chosen not to formally accuse him.

“The board was gracious not to challenge that,” said Falwell, relieved at being able to get out with millions in his bank and refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing or sin on his part. “There wasn’t any cause…I haven’t done anything.”

Furthermore, according to sources, Falwell will be given the privilege to consult for the school during its transition to a new administration, offering advice and input into the new President who will be replacing him and acting President Jerry Prevo.

If the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors had any sort of integrity or strength of conviction, they would not have allowed Falwell to leave in good standing with them, staying silent as his insistence that he has done nothing wrong despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

They wouldn’t have chosen not to formally charge him, but rather would have enacted disciplinary procedures, showing the world and their students that they take these sorts of things seriously. They should have challenged his compensation. They should have fired him for gross misconduct and sexual malfeasance. They should have kicked him out, publicly, acknowledging that he did do something terribly wrong.

But no. They are allowing Falwell to slink away, undercover, in good standing, with $10,500,000 dollars and likely the last word they will ever say on his behavior, allowing the impression that ‘hasn’t done anything’ to stand in the chasm.

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