Facebook Says that Claiming it Censors Conservatives ‘Violates Community Standards’

The headline seems farcical, but whatever it is, it’s not satire. It’s real. And welcome to the year 2020, when headlines from the Babylon Bee are coming to life like a twisted retelling of Jumanji. The most absurd realities are becoming reality like a story-tell book from hell.

Conservatives around the country are complaining – and rightly so – that Facebook is censorship conservatives. This is hardly fake news; the headlines even in the mainstream media recognize this. Heck, the Washington Times is reporting it, the National Legal and Policy Center has recognized it, and U.S. congressmen are trying to hold them to account.

Meanwhile, the dark overlord of Facebook in a Trayvon hoodie, a symbiotic droid whose only emotions are expressed with emojis and who has thankfully figured out that the humans drink water, insists “There is no censorship, fellow humans.”

Facebook denies censoring conservatives. This is despite a Project Veritas video with a Facebook moderator promising to ban people in MAGA hats for ‘terrorism.’

Call me bitter, but Facebook has single-handedly done with all the crying snowflake evangelical liberals could not do for years…stop our web traffic. They turned off our readership at the tap back in February and did so in a way that our analytics prove beyond any doubt that it was their traffic throttle that has PNP News scrambling to create new outlets to get out Real News.

But what just happened to Cody Libolt (of Libolt Media, who contracts with PNP News and the Gideon Knox Group for his services) provides indisputable proof that Facebook punitively silences conservatives with their ever-expanding definition of “community standards.”

Check this out…

Cody has been working on building an email list as a Plan B in the event Facebook goes “Full Fahrenheit” and shuts him down completely. He also worked diligently in building our email list (by the way, you can sign up to receive our newsletter at the bottom of this article).

And then, the Nanny-god of Facebook came in to inform him his message violated “Community Standards.”

While Facebook is a private company that can violate free speech as much as it wants, it is engaging in Viewpoint Discrimination. However, the only ones committing fraud here is Facebook, who is lying to their users about their pro-discrimination policies.

Conservative outlets like PNP News have invested many dollars and manhours in building our platforms on Facebook’s promises of neutrality. Larger outlets have spent millions more than we have but on Zuckerberg’s false promises of impartiality. And that, by any definition, is fraudulent.

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