Pope Francis Follows Bill Gates Footsteps, Backs ‘Universal’ COVID Vaccination ‘for all’, WHO Estatic

(LifeSiteNews) Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a Coronavirus vaccination, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”

In his Wednesday afternoon address, the Argentinian pontiff made his comments in the context of opposing rich countries and people obtaining the vaccine.

“It would be sad if we gave priority for the COVID-19 vaccine to the richest people,” Pope Francis declared. 

“It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and for all,” he continued. 

Vaccine critics, including environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are warning that key parts of testing are being skipped in the push to develop a COVID vaccine. Critics warn about the risks of large-scale injury and other health-related consequences that could result from a largely untested vaccine that is suddenly injected into millions. 

Earlier this year, a Canadian inoculations watchdog alerted LifeSiteNews to the dangers of vaccines that are developed too quickly. Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), a society founded by families who have suffered from vaccine reactions or injuries, warned in May that Canadians should be concerned about the safety of a coronavirus trial vaccine manufactured by…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Dorothy Cummings McLean and posted at Lifesite News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen

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