Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore has been relatively silent through most of last week’s protests and riots over the death of George Floyd, with only a few general comments here and there. She supports the protest, of course, and reveals that many of the staff at Living Proof Ministries have been marching, and she hopes to join them soon.

But as far as what those protesters will look like for Beth, what she thinks Christians should be doing once they are there, how we interact with others, and what role our faith should play in our motivations for attending, we no longer have to guess.

It’s nice to know that we have some clarity from Mrs. Moore regarding these matters. To summarize:
If you think of the protests as a mission field where you might share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people you encounter there- don’t
If you’re going to “love on them”- don’t
If you’re going to lead people in prayer- don’t
If you want to be a “Christian voice in the crowd”- don’t
If you want to share God’s love- don’t
If you want to witness to people – don’t
Just be a warm body to march and fight violence and racism, but keep your Jesus and the gospel out of it.
Of course, it should go without saying that this from advice from Kristen only applies to White Christians. If you are a Black Christian, you can go and preach the gospel, pray with people, share god’s love, and witness all you want.
If you’re not a person of color, then don’t even think about it.